Our TEFL Course in Buenos Aires

About our program at Buenos Aires TEFL Institute

TEFL Certification Course in Buenos Aires Argentina


The Buenos Aires TEFL program is designed to equip aspiring English teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to teach English as a foreign language effectively. The program combines theoretical instruction with hands-on teaching practice, ensuring graduates are well-prepared for teaching roles worldwide.

Key Highlights

  1. Comprehensive Curriculum:
    • The course covers essential topics such as teaching methodologies, lesson planning, classroom management, and assessment techniques.
    • It emphasizes practical skills alongside theoretical knowledge, ensuring a well-rounded education.
  2. Teaching Practice:
    • Students engage in observed teaching practice in real classrooms, allowing them to apply what they’ve learned in a supportive environment.
    • Each teaching session is followed by personalized feedback from experienced instructors, helping students refine their teaching techniques.
  3. Cultural Immersion:
    • The program encourages students to immerse themselves in the European culture of Buenos Aires, enhancing their overall learning experience.
    • Opportunities to explore local customs, cuisine, and Spanish language further enrich the educational program.
  4. Flexible Options:
    • The program offers flexible scheduling with full-time and part-time options, making it accessible for various lifestyles and commitments.
    • Students can choose a course duration that best fits their needs, whether they prefer an intensive or extended timeline.
  5. Job Placement Assistance:
    • Graduates receive support in finding teaching positions after completing the course, with access to a network of contacts in the field.
    • The program has established connections with schools and institutions both locally and internationally.
  6. Global Recognition:
    • The TEFL certification is recognized worldwide, opening doors for teaching opportunities across different countries and regions.
  7. Supportive Community:
    • The program fosters a collaborative and supportive learning community, where students can share experiences, challenges, and successes.


The Buenos Aires TEFL program stands out for its blend of rigorous training, cultural immersion, and practical experience, making it an excellent choice for those looking to start a rewarding career in English language teaching. Graduates leave equipped with the confidence and skills needed to thrive in diverse educational environments.

Our TEFL Textbook and Instructors

Our TEFL coursebook was written by TEFL/TESOL specialists. Continuous recommendations and improvements have also been made by ESL specialists over the years.Our Academic Coordinator has written a new edition of our exclusive TEFL textbook. This new edition is free of charge for all participants and will be useful as a guide while studying for the course and afterwards.

Our TEFL instructors have been trained to teach this course, which is externally moderated in order to offer the best education possible. They are capable of showing how to teach an effective English class to all levels of fluency and can linguistically aim the objective of the lesson to better teach it to all ages and backgrounds.

Our TEFL Accommodation

We offer great Buenos Aires Accommodation options near the School. We have personally visited every single accommodation that we offer, to ensure that they are all well-equipped and meet our standards. We only work with accommodations located in the best areas of Buenos Aires such as downtown, Congreso and Recoleta.

TEFL + Spanish Classes

Our school also offers Spanish group classes, a convenient means of receiving an excellent education in increasing your Spanish language proficiency at a great value. Our small group Spanish classes are four hours a day, Monday through Friday. You can also choose one to one private lessons if you prefer to improve your Spanish at your own pace and to focus on specific skills in a more time restricted schedule. As a TEFL student, you can decide whether to register in our Spanish private classes during the first week of the TEFL course or in a group class before or after the TEFL program.

Further information about our Academic Program

Our school gives our TEFL trainees the qualification needed in order to teach English as a foreign or second language worldwide. Our TEFL course consists of 130 hours of coursework with also ten hours of teaching practice sessions per participant.

With our TEFL course in Buenos Aires, you can become a TEFL Teacher in only 5 weeks.

Our course is already intensive but it provides the necessary tools to succeed in the language school industry.


  • US accredited and UK recognized program of studies. Click on Accreditation to learn more about it
  • 130 hour total training course.
  • 100 academic hours, input classes.
  • 10 classroom observations.
  • 20 teaching practice sessions with real English as a foreign language students.
  • Continuous assessment throughout the course & academic assignments to track progress.
  • We guarantee paid employment in Buenos Aires after the course if you stay 6 months minimum or more. You have to be responsible and good at work!
  • Meets international quality standards set by leading worldwide organizations.


  • TEFL COURSE TEXTBOOK, Your Guide to Teaching English by Florencia Bozzano
  • The CELTA Course Trainee Book and Trainer’s Manual (Scott Thornbury and Peter Watkins)
  • English Grammar in Use (Raymond Murphy)
  • How to teach English (Jeremy Harmer)
  • The Practice of English Language Teaching with DVD
  • Teaching English Worldwide (Paul Lindsay)
  • Practical English Usage (Michael Swan)
  • How English Works: A Grammar Practice Book (Michael Swan and Catherine Walters)


Materials Project

Trainees must create some sets of materials that can be used during Teaching Practice or English lessons in the future. The materials may include visuals, audio, games, video, cue cards, or class handouts. Trainees must prepare these materials and demonstrate them to their professors in order to receive feedback and if they choose, use them during teaching practice.

Foreign Language Experience Journal (observation journal)

This is a daily record of notes, comments, reviews, critiques, observation, and personal feelings during the TEFL program. The journal should include the following:

  • Daily thoughts on teachings
  • Comparing/contrasting the learning process with the teaching process
  • Noting observations of teaching techniques, materials used and classroom management
  • A 200 word conclusion on what was learned and how to use it in future teachings

Profile of an individual English student

This profile allows students/trainees to experience what it is like to learn a foreign/second language and enables them to reflect this experience directly into their own teaching. Trainees observe a student learning English in order to learn how to find student needs, create course objectives and to develop a lesson plan. This profile must include the following:

  • A clear profile of the student and their English level
  • Analyze the students learning needs in the future
  • Analyze the students short-term needs and create a two week lesson plan

Sarah Dohl, San Diego, USA

I loved every minute of this TEFL class. It was an unforgettable, fun and superb informative experience. The people I worked with were all incredible, and I have absolutely zero complaints. I am so sad it had to end! The observations were really helpful in showing me how lessons are taught and the different ways teachers can approach a TEFL class.I came here without any experience teaching and after this month I feel very ready and confident to teach students in a fun and effective way. The school also arranged my accommodation at a super nice shared apartment close to the school, in a great location, my roommate is a very kind person from Argentina who helps me with Spanish and with daily household essentials. Florencia and Leila were amazing coaches and made me very excited to teach.


Students will be given at least twenty hours of in-classroom practice with real English students. This will enable students to teach real students and gain in-class experience and also receive feedback from students and teachers. It is expected that our trainees during the teaching practice could demonstrate:

  • Good potential
  • Good awareness of the levels of their students
  • Devise a variety of activities to match the interests of their students and techniques to convey meaning
  • Good classroom management
  • An awareness of the need for thorough lesson planning
  • At least some error correction

We are the most accredited TEFL Provider in Argentina. We provide accredited 5 week onsite TEFL Certification courses in Buenos Aires including ESL Job Placement after successful completion of the course

Buenos Aires TEFL Institute works with ITTI, organization which certifies more than 10,000 graduates a year and is the largest TEFL provider in the world. It offers TESOL classes online and in several locations worldwide. Through ITTI, we have become an approved (accredited) center of TQUK (Training Qualifications UK), an independent OFQUAL-approved Awarding Organization for its course endorsements.Our accreditation validation number is C001295. To achieve this, our organization has been engaged in a constant process of learning and improving ever since.

Our Buenos Aires TEFL Certification course offers you the perfect blend of teaching, methodology language course and Spanish learning, career, as well as culture.By studying with us, you get a once in a lifetime opportunity to travel abroad and become a teacher anywhere you desire to go or work. Therefore, you get to immerse yourself into this rich community which is bound to be drastically different from where you come from.

Our TEFL Certification Course in Buenos Aires, Argentina


  1. Best quality program, internationally recognized, to teach English globally.
  2. TEFL/TESOL classes at Buenos Aires TEFL Institute run 5 weeks, Monday – Friday
  3. We keep our classes small so our students will get to maximize their learning experience and as future teachers will be able to make the most out of theory time.
  4. Teaching practice sessions are often done here at our school and at cooperating language institutes with volunteer language students.
  5. Our observation classes may also be held at language schools and companies for hands on live experience.
  6. Our exclusive TEFL coursebook and study materials were professionally designed and written, and are included in the course price.
  7. Our language school is located in downtown Buenos Aires.

10 Reasons on Why Choose Buenos Aires TEFL Institute for your TEFL Certificate Course (Best Price Guarantee)

  1. Accredited by renowned global institutions. We offer a fully accredited program by TQUK accreditation number #C001295 Read more 
  2. International Certificate recognized to teach English in Argentina and Worldwide. Award winning TEFL Training School.
  3. 130-hour TEFL/TESOL certification course with an intensive and practical program.
  4. Special discounts. We offer all inclusive prices in our course to earn a reputable credential to teach English internationally.
  5. One week of Free Spanish classes at our language school and effective Spanish immersion classes if you would like to continue with your Spanish learning, in order to improve career prospects.
  6. Experienced TEFL instructors and highly qualified team.
  7. Social and cultural activities, as a part of the program to learn about local culture.
  8. Safe and comfortable accommodation at Palacio Piedras.
  9. ESL/ESOL Job Placements* in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Highly motivated participants will benefit from enjoying Buenos Aires while working as an ESL Teacher and improve their Spanish skills while living in Argentina, a Spanish speaking country.
  10. We are located in downtown Buenos Aires and also offer accommodation in this practical neighborhood, with all means of transportation nearby.We provide free job placement both in Argentina and internationally.Read more


*There is a commitment of at least a 6-month stay in Buenos Aires.


Our TEFL Course Start Dates and Prices

Our TEFL course is a very intensive program, especially as it goes on. We generally advise our students that you keep the last two weeks of the course commitment free!

  1. Please note: We make up for the time lost due to National Holidays in Argentina.
  2. You will always have full 130 academic hours.
  3. Click here for Start Dates and Prices

What does the TEFL Special Price include?

  • 5-week, in-house TEFL course in Buenos Aires at our school. Teaching practices are included.
  • Our exclusive TEFL textbook.
  • Extra materials for the course.
  • Job placement* upon successful completion of the program.
  • Social and Cultural Workshops
  • One week of Free Spanish intensive lessons

Please note: English Teaching Jobs though our program are available for participants who stay in Buenos Aires for minimum of 6 months.

Why does our TEFL Certification course cost less than other TEFL providers?

◦       With excellent TEFL instructors and over twenty years of experience in the language school market, we are able to offer competitive rates and students receive an excellent education.

◦       Our high rate of positive feedback allows us to offer the best course possible even in downtown Buenos Aires, two blocks away from the National Congress.

◦       Buenos Aires TEFL Institute is the most accredited TEFL provider in Argentina and our Spanish School is recognized as best Spanish language school by several international and national education organizations and works in partnership with professional organizations from Argentina and worldwide.


  • Be at least 18 years of age.
  • Must be in good health and show a clean criminal record
  • Must be an English native speaker or show a recent C1 Certificate from University of Cambridge or similar, from any nationality
  • Commitment to the program and a high degree of maturity and professionalism. No other commitment during the course in order to focus all energy on the program.
  • Complete the academic hours of class with tutor.
  • Complete the 10 hours of classroom observation.
  • Complete at least 20 hours of teaching practice sessions
  • Hand in all written assignments and materials. Attend all examinations and tutor- marked assignments


  • 130 hour course onsite TEFL Course in Buenos Aires, International TEFL Diploma, externally moderated by educational organizations in the US and in the UK. Training and input according to the academic standards proposed by TEFL specialists from the University of Cambridge ESOL Awards
  • Our own material, course syllabus and coursebook
  • 10 hours of classroom observation
  • At least 20 hours of teaching practice sessions
  • Continuous assessment throughout the course & academic assignments to track progress
  • Guaranteed English Teaching job positions for our TEFL graduates (minimum stay 6 months) and different job positions worldwide. Click Job Board for more information
  • Three TEFL examinations. These tests will measure your progress and help you achieve your goals. Your instructor will guide you and correct tests during the course.
  • Access to professional development and ELT seminars: You will have the chance to assist conferences, workshops and special courses for English teachers at no cost or at a discounted rate.


Our TEFL textbook has been written by TEFL TESOL specialists and recommendations and improvements by ESL specialists have been made over the years. In our TEFL book you will find relevant topics such as:

  • English Language Teaching Methods.
  • Foreign Language Journal Experience/Student Profile
  • English Grammar
  • Teaching Levels and Skills.
  • Motivation and Classroom Management and Materials Project. Sample Lessons, Sample Songs and Games and Self- evaluations.
  • The Buenos Aires TEFL course is broken up into 5 week sections.
  • The first two weeks introduce, teach and prepare you to implement various methods of teaching. During this time you will also review the foundations of English grammar, and analyze grammatical structures of the language which are commonly overlooked by native English speakers. The final three weeks will build on the knowledge that was introduced in the beginning of the course and solidify your understanding of the course content through teaching observations and practice sessions. You will be able to observe and teach different levels and dynamics of classrooms such as beginner, intermediate and advanced in group and/or private settings.
  • Trainees will be able to develop their English language teaching skills and also they will gain valuable experience and knowledge while experiencing new cultures. They will graduate with the skills and resources needed to be successful in any type of English as a Second or Foreign Language They will learn how to present English dynamic lessons using the latest and most cutting edge language methodologies with the confidence and ability to teach students of any nationality. After graduation, TEFL students will receive job placement as an integral part of the course.


  • Foreign or Second English Language Experience
  • Classroom Management
  • English Language Awareness (English Language Grammar)
  • English Language Teaching Techniques.
  • Class Materials Projects and Teaching Practice.
  • Our highly qualified TEFL Trainers place an emphasis on Teaching Levels (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, groups and One-on-One)


  • CV, Interview and Cover Letter Preparation
  • Living and Teaching in Argentina and in Latin America.
  • Each of these areas and themes will be taught, discussed and practiced.
  • You will have to devote extra time and be ready to cover a demanding load of academic materials during the course.


  • We have educational agreements with renowned English language schools in Buenos Aires and you will have 10 hours of English class observations with them.


  • 100 hours of class instruction
  • Your TEFL classes will cover all the theory needed to become an effective English teacher in just 5 weeks; with all relevant topics ranging from English language teaching methods and language awareness to CV/résumé preparation workshops, career guidance, assignments and evaluations corresponding to our academic course syllabus.
  • Practice Teaching Planning
  • During the second week and onward, you will be in charge of designing lesson plans according to different teaching levels. Your instructor will guide you throughout the course and you will succeed in applying these lesson plans to your future teachings and also during your teaching practices.
  • 10 hours of academic class observations in different educational contexts.
  • During weeks 1 or 2 you will have the opportunity to observe experienced language teachers at different learning contexts, either at our school or elsewhere at other English language institutes. This also provides the chance to experience a future potential workplace.
  • At least 20 hours of teaching practices
  • You will have the opportunity to improve your teachings from the beginning given the fact that you will be exposed to different learning contexts to ensure that you get the most out of this rewarding educational experience. Because as we are experienced in the language school market, we like to get continuous feedback from our former trainees who consider the teaching practice sessions the most important part of the course because they are exposed to real world situations.

Buenos Aires TEFL Institute. We are the leading TEFL Provider in Argentina.

 Address 83 Piedras street, 3rd floor E, Buenos Aires, Argentina

 Copyright © 2025 Buenos Aires TEFL Institute. All rights reserved.This website and its content, including but not limited to text, graphics, logos, images, and software, are the intellectual property of Buenos Aires TEFL Institute and are protected by international copyright and trademark laws. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of this content is strictly prohibited.

With international recognition, we will ensure your academic experience with us will be the best to live and work as an English Teacher in Argentina or abroad. Run by a dedicated team of women from Argentina, belonging to various minority groups, we firmly believe in the principle of equal opportunity for all. Our programs are designed to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment, welcoming individuals regardless of gender, marital status, sexual orientation, creed, color, race, ethnic origin, age, or disability. Beyond our commitment to providing quality TEFL training, we extend our efforts to actively contribute to the well-being of society. In particular, we collaborate closely with social organizations focused on supporting women and children in Argentina.

Legal Disclaimer

Intellectual Property Rights

The name “Buenos Aires TEFL Institute,” along with all associated work, including but not limited to logos, images, videos, student testimonials, and descriptive text, is protected by trademark and copyright laws. These intellectual property rights are enforced by our international legal team. Any infringement or unauthorized use of our protected materials, including by websites or individuals, will be subject to legal action in accordance with applicable laws in the relevant jurisdictions.

Buenos Aires TEFL Institute is committed to upholding the highest standards of quality and integrity in its TEFL program. Accordingly, the Institute will not tolerate any false or misleading statements that damage its reputation or dissuade prospective students from enrolling in its program. This includes, but is not limited to, the dissemination of defamatory or disparaging reviews, comments, or social media posts. Buenos Aires TEFL Institute retains the right to pursue all available legal remedies, including claims for defamation, trade libel, and unfair competition, against any individual or entity that engages in such harmful conduct.

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We value your privacy and have implemented a comprehensive Privacy Policy to safeguard your personal information. Details regarding the collection, use, and protection of your data can be found in our full Privacy Policy

Last Updated, February 10th, 2025.